澳洲珀斯婚纱照 Melbourne-Perth-wedding-photography-SIDLEFAYE

Sidlefaye is Perth bridal studio that offer professional hair, makeup and photography and wedding gowns for hire. We have done a lot of clients from oversea such as  Hong Kong, Singapore , Malaysia , Indonesia and China. We speak fluent Mandarin , Cantonese , Indonesian and English.
If you're looking for pre wedding photos in Perth please contact us at Info@sidlefaye.com or visit www.sidlefaye.com

Sidlefaye 是澳洲珀斯婚礼摄影公司,我们有专业发型师,化妆师 ,摄影师和婚纱可以租。我们有很多海外的客户从香港,新加坡,马来西亚,印尼 和中国大陆。我们可以说普通话,广东话,马拉话 和英文。

如果你想拍海外婚纱照在澳洲珀斯,请联络电邮 Info@sidlefaye.com 或者 请点入 www.sidlefaye.com。
